Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Windows 7 Installation

Installed Windows 7 on one of three disks in a system.

Told the installation program  which partition Windows should be installed on.

The installation program without warning wrote to a file on another disk.

This behavior is part of the Microsoft Windows Extreme Stupidity project.

I will have to remember to make partitions on other disks invisible to Windows before installing Windows 7.

Windows wrote to the MBR of the other disk too.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

De middelmådiges ord

Ordene anføres i tilfældig rækkefølge. Listen er ikke udtømmende.






Substantielt løft.

Friday, October 17, 2014

MBR Boot Manager

We want this:

The entire boot manager program is in the MBR.

The program boots active partition with standard error messages if no key is pressed.

If right Alt is pressed during boot a prompt is printed to the screen.

If 1, 2, 3, or 4 is then pressed, that partition entry is set active, and the entry is booted.

If Esc is pressed in stead the active partition is booted.

If a, b, c, or d is pressed in stead entry no. 1, 2, 3, or 4 is set active, and that partition booted, but a mark is set that at next boot the previous active mark should be  restored.

If a number or letter is pressed, but that partition is not present nothing should be done.

The first version is present. It did not become so advanced, but it works.

SHA1 D0C6339BFF70F80A84912DD481016495B58271E9, 408 bytes.

If right Alt is pressed during boot a prompt "#" is printed to the screen.

If 1, 2, 3, or 4 is then pressed that partition entry is set active, and the entry is booted.

If there is no matching entry or another key is pressed nothing happens.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Intel CPU fan

Will the Intel Core i5-3570 CPU fan run if it is just connected by the yellow and black wires to 12 V?

Yes, the fan will run at full speed.

Will the fan run if the same wires are connected to 7 V? Yes.

To 5 V? Yes.

What about the Intel Core i7-4790 fan? Model Number: E97378-001.

The fan runs at 12 V. At 7 V it moves a little, but does not run. At 5 V it does not move at all.

At about 1000 RPM it makes a clicking noise here. And it makes at pretty loud noise when starting.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Grub notes

I could only install Grub to the Master Boot Record (MBR), and not to the Linux partition boot sector. Propably due to the Grub loader size.

Solution: Copy the MBR to the Linux partition boot sector, and install an MBR which will boot active partition.

After this, Grub still has boot code in sector 1 (second sector) and forwards.

This is a 512 bytes sector size note.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thinkpad T420 notes

Will Windows 7 boot if the C: partition is made active?


A 1,200 MiB  NTFS partition in MBR entry 1 was active.

Will Windows 7 boot if the 1,200 MiB partition is deleted?


What will then happen if the ThinkVantage key is pressed during boot?

A blinking cursor in the top left corner of the screen.

Will Ctrl Alt Del work? Yes.

Well, the three last steps were probably with a custom Lenovo MBR.  With a standard MBR, the "Startup Interrupt Menu" will appear if the ThinkVantage key is pressed.

Can we boot from an SDHC card? No, the card is not visible until operating system drivers are loaded.

It seems as the card reader may not work in Windows 7 if a harddisk is inserted in the Thinkpad 12.7 mm Serial ATA Hard Drive Bay Adapter III. P/N: 0A65623. It works in Linux. - No, that was not the explanation. Again the card was not seen in Windows.

The "One Key Recovery" option requires that some Lenovo custom program code or data is present between the MBR and the first partition. This for example will be overwritten if the Grub boot loader is installed. One way to restore the content may be this: Make a copy of the \Boot\BCD file on the first  (SYSTEM_DRV) partition. The partition normally is not visible in Windows, and the files and directories are hidden, but the file can be copied for example from boot to Windows PE.

Then install the Lenovo Rescue and Recovery program on the Thinkpad. That will rewrite the custom MBR and the custom sectors after the MBR. Then copy back the \Boot\BCD file to the first (SYSTEM_DRV) partition. The features of Rescue and Recovery when pressing the ThinkVantage key are then not available, but the original ThinkVantage key behavior may be restored.

Make a backup copy of the current BCD  file before you copy the old BCD file back.

I am not quite certain that this is correct, so only do it if you have backup, and know what you are doing. 

Windows notes

net user administrator /active:yes

When the numeric lock is on, then pressing shift-delete using the delete button of the numerical keypad will send the file or the files to the recycle bin.

Pdf Idea 1

We need a full screen mode, but with white space top and bottom cut.

Reason: Figure it out yourself.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Den der følelse. Man har opdateret Java, og har ikke afmarkeret nogle bokse hvor de forsøgte at få installeret junk-programmer.

Har man overset noget?

Åbne Internet Explorer. Er der noget. Det ser ikke ud til det.

Monday, June 30, 2014


NemID er ikke sikker. Der er indlysende mangler.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Fra dagens leder i Jyllands-Posten:

"Konsekvensen er, at ejerlejlighedsejerne slipper med en stedse mere nænsom boligbeskatning, mens husejerne bliver flået, da den kommunale grundskyld modsat ejendomsværdiskatten skal betales af allerede brandskattede indkomster."

Det er anden gang jeg ser det i den avis.

Mon ikke skribenten skulle nærlæse sin årsopgørelse?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Vi er dem der har en mening.

Og dem der mener det, som de tror det forventes af dem at de skal mene. Der er eksempler blandt ministre.

Og dem der mener det, som avisen får dem til at mene, fordi de ikke er kvikke nok til at se de åbenlyse indvendinger.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

DOS Todo

Currently I have to boot a machine running Windows Server 2003 in order to run DOS programs. It takes about 5 minutes to boot, and a DOS window is slow.

A useable environment for running DOS programs in Linux is needed. Something similar to the Windows 2003 cmd box, just faster, would be fine.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Den der har fundet på de blå felter til cyklister i vejkryds, har gjort det virkelig godt.


Det er kvalmende at der er reklamer på dmi.dk (og kvalmende reklamer).

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Jeg bryder mig ikke om at Nemlig har placeret sig ved siden af Irma-hønen.

Monday, May 19, 2014


Der er leder og debat på Politikens internetsider om den tidligere statsministers tøj på partiets regning. Meningsfølgende mennesker forstår ikke at det netop er tøj der er nødvendigt for at få sådanne mennesker til at stemme på sig , og at det derfor var en nødvendig udgift for partiet.

Manden ville selvfølgelig på ingen måde have brug for sådant tøj privat, og derfor er kravet om at han skal beskattes af det meningsløst. Skattevæsenet kan slet ikke gå ind i sagen, fordi de ikke er i stand til at tie når det er nødvendigt.

Altså, partiet var jo i den situation at de skulle prøve at bevare statsministerposten. Hvem kan så fortænke dem i at de prøvede at lade velklædthed hjælpe.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I løbet af det sidste års tid er det indført at man på alle hjemmesider skal godkende med et klik at der benyttes cookies.

Der er særdeles irriterende, og er noget der er fundet på af politikere hvis drivkraft er glæden ved at tro de forstår noget.

Det er ren chikane, og bør stoppes straks.

Monday, April 21, 2014



When updating Adobe Flash Player, Adobe want to install some additional software, and you have to uncheck a check box to avoid it.

I do not like that, and I do not like the kind of people who do things like that.

It is not a decent behavior.

Friday, April 18, 2014

NTFS sector size

Will an NTFS partition created with 4096 bytes sector size mount in Windows Server 2003 if located on a disk set to sector size 512 bytes?


Yes, if the sector size, cluster size, and partition size fields in the boot sector of the NTFS partition are edited to match a 512 bytes sector size.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

WD Quick Formatter, version

SHA1 8AC244039B5FDD8B1C7247486BCDA1C53F54FBEA

WD Quick Formatter.exe
SHA1 2F9D025CB2273FC153B1A30E06C1EBF5CD9C0DB

The tool works with Western Digital external disk drives.

Test with a 3 TB WD Elements disk.

In Windows 7, I get a choice between "XP Compatible" and "Most Compatible (Vista or later required)".

Selecting "XP Compatible" creates an MBR partition table with one NTFS partition. The disk is set to 4096 bytes per sector, meaning that the number of sectors on the disk is smaller than 2^32 and that an MBR partition table therefore can be made.

Selection "Most Compatible (Vista or later required)" creates a GUID partition table with the usual 128 MB reserved partition and an NTFS partition covering the rest of the disk. The disk is set to 512 bytes per sectors.

In Windows Server 2003, the tool does not give a choice. I did not examine it much, but it seems as a GUID partition table will be created, and that the disk sector size is kept as it is, 512 or 4096 bytes.

I did not test in other Windows versions.

I did not find a tool for just changing the sector size of an external WD disk without writing to the disk at the same time. In some situations such a tool could be useful.

Monday, March 31, 2014


Problemet er at hvis man samler nogle folk og kalder dem produktivitetskommissionen, så er der nogle der tror, at det er dygtige folk. Det er det naturligvis ikke, alene af den grund at dygtige folk overhovedet ikke kunne finde på at være med i noget der kaldes produktivitetskommissionen.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nul putte

Under det slogan er Kvickly holdt op med at sælge buræg. Jeg ville have respekt for Coop, hvis de holdt op med at sælge buræg i Fakta og Brugsen.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

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Friday, February 21, 2014

TexWorks Todo 1

When I press Ctrl-T I want to check that the syntax is correct, and I want to see the result. But I definitely want the cursor to stay where it is.

Also, I want the editor to be auto saving and logging, and to have user-configurable shortcut keys.